Click here to read our welcome guide
New admits
Submitting the Plan of Study (IPOS):
After the first semester in the program is completed, student should submit an IPOS (Plan of Study) through the MyASU page (“My Programs”) section. The IPOS details the courses the student will take to complete the degree. The IPOS can be changed if course selections change in the future. An IPOS must be submitted, reviewed by the unit and faculty, and approved no later than halfway through the program.
How to complete the iPOS, MAGS Program
Faculty committee on the IPOS:
Please add Jeffrey Kubiak and Alicia Ellis both as co-chairs
Once submitted, your IPOS will be reviewed by the Graduate Coordinator and faculty director. If changes need to be made, your IPOS will be returned to you for revisions. Please be sure to review the course schedule and projected future course offerings to select courses.
The IPOS can be edited and changed if your course selections change over time. If a change in registration occurs, a flag will appear on the MyASU page indicating that an IPOS change is required. Please see the “My Programs” tab on your MyASU page for more information.
- MAGS Handbook
- Newly admitted students
- ASU Online Students
- Newly admitted veteran students
- Provisionally admitted students
Academic resources
- Analytical Writing Course (This course carries a fee)
- MAGS degree requirements - All Programs
- Submitting the IPOS
- Academic progress
- Probation
Other resources
Additional Resources
MAGS Student Handbooks
- 2024-2025 (for students entering program in Fall of 2024-Summer 2025)
- 2023-2024 (for students entering program in Fall of 2023-Summer 2024)
- 2022-2023 (for students entering program in Fall 2022-Summer 2023)
- 2021-2022 (for students entering program in Fall 2021-Summer 2022)
- 2020-2021 (for students entering program in Fall 2020-Summer 2021
- 2019-2020 (for students entering program in Fall 2019-Summer 2020)
- 2018-2019 (for students entering program in Fall 2018-Summer 2019)
- 2017-2018 (for students entering program Fall 2017-Summer 2018)
New admits
Graduate Admissions new student checklist
Newly admitted veteran students
Provisionally admitted students:
Students who have been offered a “provisional admission” to the program must fulfill certain requirements in order to remain in the program. If the provisions are not met in the established timeframe, the student will be dismissed from the program automatically by the ASU Graduate College. Students can view the conditions of their admission on the MyASU page.
Academic resources
Courses are generally offered in the same terms each semester. Please see the ASU Class Search for a guide for courses that are offered in spring, summer, and fall. Not all courses are offered each semester.
GSC 550 (Capstone) is offered in the “C” session (full semester) each semester.
Students in the Cybersecurity concentration:
GSC 560 is offered each “B” session in spring, summer, and fall semester.
GSC 561-563 will be offered throughout the spring, summer and fall semesters but may not be offered each semester. Seats in the cyber courses may be available to MAGS students, space permitting.
GSC 560 is a prerequisite for GSC 563. GSC 560-562 can be taken in any order, but it is recommended for students to complete 560 first in the sequence, if possible.
GSC 563 is reserved for students in the cyber concentration only.
Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in all GPA’s (IPOS GPA, Overall Graduate GPA, and Cumulative GPA).
Student who fall below a 3.0 in any of these three areas may be placed on academic probation or dismissed from the program. Students should contact the academic advisor and program faculty if any of the GPA’s fall below a 3.0 in a given semester and develop a plan to improve academic performance.
Other resources
Handshake - Handshake is a Career Services tool for students or alumni looking for Internship and job opportunities
Wellness Resources for Graduate Students
360 Life Services (free counseling and 24/7 support for ASU Online students)