Undergraduate Advising
Who we are
The SPGS advising team works with Tempe campus students (sophomore level through graduation) and Online students (all levels) who have majors, minors, and/or certificates offered by the School of Politics and Global Studies.
Tempe campus first-year and transfer students in their first semester of study at ASU receive advising support from the Advising Hub in Armstrong Hall.
What we do
We are here to support you along your academic journey. Whether that is choosing classes, understanding graduation requirements, planning for graduate school/your future career, setting short-term and long-term goals, getting involved, or anything else related to your academic success, we are here to help! See below for ways to meet with us.
Undergraduate Advisors
- Ethan Meudt
- Floren Carter
- Patricia Strickland
Our SPGS students are assigned to work with an individual advisor from our SPGS advising team. You can see who your assigned advisor is and all of their contact information on your My ASU page by navigating to your “Academic Support Team” box and clicking on “Academic Advising” (see picture below). We encourage you to email your assigned advisor directly at the email listed on your My ASU page and to try to make appointments with your assigned advisor when possible (although you are welcome to meet with any of our advisors).
Email: spgs-ugadvising@asu.edu (use this email if you are not assigned to an SPGS advisor)
Office Location: Coor Hall 6th Floor (West Lobby)
Schedule an advising appointment
When possible, please schedule an advising appointment with your assigned advisor. If you are experiencing difficulty scheduling an appointment, please call our front desk (Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Arizona time) at 480-965-8563.
Are you a new online campus student? Learn how to schedule an appointment here
SPGS Virtual Open Advising Information
Virtual Open Advising is offered every weekday between 1:00-3:00 p.m. Arizona time. Please check the advising calendar for any changes to this schedule. You can access Virtual Open Advising here: https://asu.zoom.us/j/99207976178.
Note that Open Advising is only for quick questions related to course scheduling or questions/concerns that need to be addressed immediately. For all other questions, schedule an appointment or email your assigned advisor.
Here's how Virtual Open Advising works:
- Click the Open Advising Zoom link (https://asu.zoom.us/j/99207976178) and you will be placed in the waiting room.
- Check-in for Open Advising here: http://spgs.asu.edu/oa
- Open Advising is first come, first serve, so you will remain in the Zoom waiting room until it is your turn to meet with an advisor.
- Please note that depending on student volume, wait times may be long. We will admit our last student to meet with an advisor at 2:45 p.m., so if you are still waiting at this time, please leave the meeting and come back the next day.
- Once admitted to the Zoom room, please be at a computer and be logged into your My ASU page.
Frequently Asked Questions
A: When you come for your advising session, please bring the following with you:
- A photo ID (we cannot share confidential information without one!)
- Any forms that need a signature, printed or on laptop – filled out as fully as possible. Many forms need to be typed.
- A list of questions to discuss
A: Political science is the study of how citizens interact with their governments and how governments at all levels formulate policies to serve their citizens. The major offers a variety of courses and opportunities to study politics and policies at the local, national and global levels. The major aims to provide students with the tools and skills necessary to link theory with real-world problems and issues.
A: Global studies examines the causes and consequences of problems that cross national boundaries and the governance of these problems in social, cultural and economic contexts. The major focuses on real-world problems and their solutions in the context of the New American University. This mission is enabled by an internationally recognized faculty who have extensive global experience from a wide variety of disciplines in the social sciences, humanities and law. The global studies program uses teaching, research and public policy activities to address some of the most challenging issues that include:
- built environments
- economic and social development
- global cities and urbanization
- global governance of quality of life issues such as health and climate change
- justice and human rights
- religious identities, rights and conflicts
- world culture
A: You can request to change your major to Political Science or Global Studies by completing the major change request form on the bottom right hand corner on this website.
A: For International Studies, Political Economy, Civic Education or Political Entrepreneurship certificates (on campus students only), please review the certificate requirements and then schedule an appointment to meet with a School of Politics and Global Studies advisor AND your major advisor.
A: Please review the minor requirements. Please schedule an appointment to meet with your major advisor OR a Political Science or Global Studies advisor AND your major advisor.
A: The curriculum differences are:
All Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees offered by ASU’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences require intermediate proficiency in a non-English language. Intermediate proficiency can be demonstrated by completing the fourth semester level language (the 202 class for most, but not all, languages) course with a grade of C or better, or by exam.
If you already have some amount of proficiency in a language and wish to continue with that language, you may need fewer than four courses to fulfill the requirement. ASU offers online placement exams for French, German and Spanish here. These exams are used to determine your current level of knowledge in the language and do not award any credit. Rather, they inform you as to the level of language in which you will be the most successful.
Bachelor of Science (BS) majors are not required to take a language. Instead they must take four other courses not required for the BA degree. These courses are: POS 401 Political Statistics, an extra POS upper division elective, and two science and society courses. Please see this link for information on the science and society requirement.
A: Review the information under the Petition to Pursue Concurrent Degree area on this link. Then download the Petition to Pursue Concurrent Degree form and schedule an appointment to meet with your primary advisor to discuss the process.
A: Political science courses are offered on each of the ASU campuses through different Colleges. To view which campus is offering the course, please check the LOCATION of the class section listed in class search or click on the TITLE of the course to access the “Full Class Details” page to see which college offers the course. For information on these courses and procedures for course overrides, please see below for contact information.
- ASU Polytechnic: College of Integrative Sciences and Arts - CISAPOLY@asu.edu; 480-965-4464
- ASU Downtown: College of Integrative Sciences and Arts - CISADPC@asu.edu; 480-965-4464
- ASU West: New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences - sbsadvising@asu.edu - 602-543-3000
A: You can request an override through this link. Please note that you need to attach documentation to this request (i.e. instructor’s email approval, unofficial transcript, etc.) depending on what you are requesting.
A: Students who want to take French, German and Spanish language courses should take the online language placement exam to determine which course in the sequence is appropriate for the student’s level of knowledge. We recommend students take a screen shot of their results should they need additional assistance in determining language placement. Students who have questions about their placement or their results should contact the School of International Letters and Culture.
A: If you already have transfer work that has been accepted toward the first year composition requirement, you do not need to submit placement scores. ACT, SAT and TOEFL scores are used for placement in first year composition courses. ACT and SAT scores must be sent directly from College Board to ASU Admissions. If you have not taken the ACT or SAT, you will need to take the ACCUPLACER exam. For more information on ACCUPLACER, including how to take the exam locally, please see https://uoeee.asu.edu/exam/accuplacer.
A: Do NOT register for the class again! It is the student’s responsibility to complete work as outlined by the student and the professor in a timely fashion. Professors will change any incomplete grades to a proper letter grade upon completion of assignments. Any incompletes left incomplete after one calendar year will automatically change to an E grade. For additional information concerning this policy see: https://students.asu.edu/grades
A: Before withdrawing from a course, please review the following information and then schedule an appointment to meet with an advisor to discuss your situation and options. Advisors cannot assist students with withdrawals after the withdrawal deadline has passed. If the withdrawal deadline is prior to your scheduled advising appointment, it may be in your interest to withdraw first and ask questions later.
NOTE: Students dropping below full-time enrollment (12 credit hours) may face serious consequences (e.g. critical tracking status, financial aid/scholarships, housing, insurance, etc). Many scholarships require the student to maintain 15 credit hours/semester. It is your responsibility to know the specifics of any program you are following and to maintain communication with the financial aid/scholarship offices (located on the second floor of Student Services Building, SSV) and Student Billing Services concerning your changing circumstances.
Check the calendar icon next to each class on your schedule in My ASU for the prorated drop/withdrawal deadline dates to verify the last day you may withdraw. Prior to the deadline, students can withdraw from any class and receive a grade of "W" which will remain on a transcript. Please consult the Tuition Refund Policy to determine whether withdrawing will or will not generate a tuition refund. Students can request a course withdrawal online by signing into My ASU or in person at the Registrar’s Office (SSV 140).
Students should be aware that non-attendance will not automatically result in being dropped/withdrawn. Instructors have the right to exercise this option at their discretion. Students unable to complete a class must officially drop or withdraw themselves from the class prior to the appropriate deadline. Failure to withdraw from a class may result in the reporting of a final failing grade of "E.”
A: Because making a complete withdrawal from the university is a difficult decision, please reach out to an advisor to discuss this. Students can request a complete withdrawal from the university until the appropriate deadline listed in the calendar icon next to each class on your schedule in My ASU. Complete withdrawals should be viewed as a last resort as there may be serious academic and financial consequences in processing a complete withdrawal. For more information regarding the procedure for a complete withdrawal through The College of Liberal Arts and Science, visit this link.
A: A medical/compassionate withdrawal request may be made in extraordinary cases in which serious illness or injury (medical) or another significant personal situation (compassionate), not related to the student's personal physical or mental health (for example, care of a seriously ill child or spouse, or a death in the student's immediate family), prevents a student from continuing his or her classes, and incompletes or other arrangements with the instructors are not possible.
Please visit this website to review eligibility, gather all necessary documentation related to your request, and submit your request. All requests must be submitted online and are reviewed by The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Approvals are granted on a case-by-case basis. If you have additional questions, please reach out to an advisor.
A: The School of Politics and Global Studies is committed to providing students with opportunities to complete an Internship for course credit. The internship provides students with skills and experiences that will enhance their educational and career prospects.
The Global Studies major requires a global experience or internship. For more information concerning any internship to be used toward fulfilling either POS or SGS major requirements, please review the internship material on our School website.
A: First, visit the Study Abroad Office! If you decide to participate in one of their many opportunities, then you will need to meet with an appropriate School advisor to discuss the impacts to your graduation trajectory. The Study Abroad office is located in Student Services building (SSV) Room 278 on the ASU Tempe Campus.
A: Independent study opportunities are offered by instructor consent. It is your responsibility to contact a professor you are interested in working with a proposed topic of study. If the professor approves your topic of study and agrees to work with you, you will need to complete the Individualized Instruction Consent Request Form (obtained here or from the SPGS Front Desk – Coor Hall 6th Floor) and return it to sarah.ericson@asu.edu or the SPGS Front Desk for processing. An override will be placed in the system and email provided to you when it is appropriate to enroll.
A: Talented undergraduates work with professors as teaching or research partners. A seminar opportunity will explore the nature and cutting edges of the discipline. For more information about POS 494: Junior Fellows, please review our webpage.
Opportunities for SGS 494: Undergraduate Research Assistantships are offered by instructor consent. You must be contacted by a professor in Global Studies who requires assistance with current research, or answer a call for applications. You then need to submit the Application for Undergraduate Research Assistantship to the Global Studies Advising Office. Once approved by a professor, an override will be placed in the system and email provided to you when it is appropriate to enroll.
A: Yes, there is an accelerated program where students obtain both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in 5 years total. Undergraduates take 9 hours of approved coursework to be shared between a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree (one 400-level and two500-level classes), leaving one year to complete a Master’s degree. If you are interested in pursuing this unique 4+1 program, please schedule a meeting with your academic advisor or with Ms. Jenna Roelle our Graduate Advisor at Jenna.Roelle@asu.edu.
A: While ASU does not have specific majors in the pre-law or pre-health disciplines, there is assistance available to you in addition to your major advisors. Help includes choosing coursework, writing letters of application, working on your resume, and taking tests.
• Prelaw
A: Don’t wait until the last minute! Advanced degree programs are very competitive. Graduate/professional programs usually require the following:
• A competitive cumulative GPA
• Standardized admissions test scores (ex. GRE, LSAT, MCAT)
• Letters of recommendation (2-3 is standard)
• Personal Statement
• Resume/Curriculum Vitae
• Writing Sample (possibly)
• Interview (possibly)
Regular workshops to help you prepare your application file are available through the Graduate College and Career Services at ASU.
A: You have a great deal of support through ASU services! First, visit the Pat Tillman Veterans Center homepage. All information about your on-campus veteran advocate, benefits summaries, tuition assistance/GI Bill information, credit by exam, and academic success for veterans is available through this website.
A: Yes, you will need to make an appointment with your major advisor in the School for the both ROTC and Veteran exception forms. Completion of these forms need to be done in an appointment rather than via a walk-in session.
A: You should be in communication with a Barrett Honors advisor about their particular requirements. However, you also have faculty advisors for Barrett with the School of Politics and Global Studies. Political Science majors should visit with Dr. Avital Simhony (SIMHONY@asu.edu), Dr. Thorin Wright (Thorin.Wright@asu.edu), or Dr. Henry Thompson (Henry.Thomson@asu.edu). Global Studies majors should visit with Dr. George Thomas (George.Thomas@asu.edu) or Dr. Henry Sivak (Henry.Sivak@asu.edu). The faculty advisors are your best resource in exploring possible thesis topics and finding appropriate readers. It is never too early to meet with your Barrett faculty advisor!
A: You do not need to meet with a School advisor. You can request to change to another major by completing the major change request form on the bottom right hand corner on this website.
For assistance on choosing another major, please come in to meet with a School advisor.
A: Contact a Financial Aid Counselor at 855-278-5080 or http://students.asu.edu/contact/financialaid.
You may also seek out scholarships through these resources:
- ASU Scholarship Office: http://students.asu.edu/scholarships
- The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: https://thecollege.asu.edu/scholarships
- School of Politics and Global Studies: https://spgs.asu.edu/student-life/scholarships
A: Yes! There is Pi Sigma Alpha Deta Theta Chapter for Political Science students, Model United Nations of ASU open to all majors, and Gate Journal open to both Political Science and Global Studies majors.
Pi Sigma Alpha is an honor society that recognizes scholarship and excellence for students of Political Science. Their mission is to prepare students for intellectual and professional leadership in the political arena through individual and collaborative exchanges with peers, faculty, and the community.
Model United Nations is an organization in which students meet to discuss international affairs, research complex global issues, and simulate the United Nations. Each year, our program travels to San Francisco to participate in the Model United Nations Far West Conference (MUNFW). Additionally, each November MUNASU puts on a conference for high school students. Members of MUNASU acquire a keen eye for international affairs, develop crucial research, writing, and public speaking skills, and become adept at the art of diplomacy.
The Global Affairs Theoretical and Empirical Journal (GATE) is Arizona State University’s first-ever undergraduate organization dedicated to publishing high quality, peer-reviewed pieces and related content on global affairs. GATE aims to bridge the gap between the theoretical approaches of academia and real-world empirical implications. Their goal is to provide students a scholarly platform to share their research and analyses of global issues. GATE Journal publishes academic work of Political Science and Global Studies students.
Other organizations may be found through the ASU Sun Devil Sync.
A: You may request both unofficial and official transcripts through your my ASU homepage by going to your “My Classes" box and clicking "Grades and Transcripts", "Transcripts and Test Scores", then select “Unofficial Transcript” or “Official Transcript”. From there, follow the prompts
A: You can obtain an enrollment verification by following the instructions on this website.