A message from the director
A very warm welcome from the School of Politics and Global Studies at Arizona State University!
We are very proud to serve our students and the public in one of the most inclusive research universities in the world.
We are top-notch scholars conducting cutting-edge research on a vast variety of salient topics facing our nation and humanity ranging from political polarization to mass violence, from sustainable development to human rights struggles, from authoritarianism to nationalism, from institutional governance in the United States to international cooperation. Our faculty contribute to public debates with fresh and informed perspectives in the U.S. and across the globe.
We are master teachers who instruct a very large body of students with diverse socioeconomic characteristics, demographic backgrounds, and life experiences. Innovation and experimentalism are central to our dedicated and exceptionally rewarding mission of cultivating the leaders of the future.
Our undergraduate programs with five majors offer a rich variety of courses and extracurricular activities to our students. Advancing social mobility and prosperity, we enable our students to embark on successful careers in many different fields.
Our vibrant PhD program in Political Science enshrines a mutually beneficial mentorship between our faculty and students who continue to pursue thriving careers in the academia, the government, and the private sector after graduation. Our four MA programs instill core and versatile skills that are essential for professional success in a rapidly changing environment.
Our affiliated centers and programs including the Future Security Initiative, the Center for Latina/os and American Politics Research, and the International Affairs and Leadership Program provide unique opportunities for our students and open new horizons for creative collaborations.
I invite you to explore and get actively involved in our School. I would also be delighted to meet with you in person in Tempe or any other part of the world.
Güneş Murat Tezcür
SPGS Director & Professor